If you’re in the pharmaceutical business, and you’re reading this, hello. I’m Neha, and I’m the Founder & Creative Director at NH1 Design. I’m writing to you because I believe we can solve a fundamental problem, together. Like most solutions, this one too, is rooted in a real story.
My 3 year old daughter Ira, falls sick often. It’s nothing serious – just her tiny body building its immunity. But being a mother, who’s forever paranoid, we visit doctors often. And every time I’m handed a prescription, I come back home overwhelmed.

So, this is what I started doing
On the bottles, I drew symbols such as the sun, moon, etc. to indicate the specific time of day the medicine had to be consumed. This helped me and my nanny follow the prescription better, minus the constant cross-checking.
At our studio – Nh1Design, we designed a small sticker which has a simple 4x4 grid. One for each part of the day. I then tested this at home. After a few iterations, it worked. Little Ira’s caregiver too could easily understand this sticker.
Then we tested the concept on pills.
Because it’s not language dependent, this can be widely used, and understood. Historically, people have always responded to pictures better than text.

So the question now is....
What if we want to solve this problem at scale?
Can this small design change help encourage a better care experience? For impact, can Pharmaceutical companies like yours use this design system as a part of packaging itself?
Let me show you how.
The reason I’m writing to you is because I feel you have the power to implement something like this on your packs. I’ve taken the liberty to do a few mock ups to show how the space distribution can be handled. Of-course we would need to deep dive together to solve this.
I do believe hopefully and eventually, the healthcare ecosystem ( hospitals/ doctors and Pharma companies) can work together to provide a more seamless patients and caregivers experience.
But as they say – solve for short-term while you figure the long-term.
If you believe in this, please reach out to us at info@nh1design.com